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Our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service


Empowered by Light is committed to preserving your privacy and safeguarding your personal information


Last revised on October 11, 2024


The following statement describes the general practices for the collection, storage, and removal of personal information on our website.


What information do you collect, and what do you do with it?

Generally speaking, we only collect the information necessary to carry out the action that you, the user, are initiating (for example, signing up to subscribe to our updates or making a donation). We do not collect other personal information surreptitiously (for example, via tracking cookies from other sites or services). As a rule, what you voluntarily submit to us is what we receive, and we use it for the purpose that you intended.


Empowered by Light sends out an email newsletter with action alerts, updates, and appeals on a regular basis. We do not automatically subscribe anyone to our mailing list, and you are free to take actions on our site or use any of its other features without subscribing to our email list. We offer the option to subscribe to our email newsletter in our emails and other forms, and some folks have also subscribed in person at events.


If you do choose to subscribe, we won’t inundate your inbox, and you can unsubscribe at any time via the links that are included in all of our emails to this list. If you have any difficulty with that process or have other questions, you can reply to the email that you received or contact us by phone or mail.

Empowered by Light does not sell or trade names or other personal data that we collect on our website.


Is my credit card information secure?

Credit card donations through our website are processed by Stripe. You may also opt to donate directly via the PayPal website, and at times we may use other clearly-identified services such as Eventbrite or Square to sell tickets for events or accept donations at them. All of these services are verified and secure payment processors, which is why we use them.


Empowered by Light never receives or stores your credit card information in any format, so there is no risk that it might be hacked or disclosed. As required by law, we keep a record of your donation and contact information (name, email, etc.) in our database of supporters, and we may follow up with you about your donation or other support later, as well as sending you tax receipts as required by U.S. law. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you would like to change how you are contacted after making a donation or to be removed from this list.


Do you use cookies?

Our website (like nearly all websites nowadays) does make use of cookies for some basic, essential tasks. We do not, however, use them in the way that they have often raised concerns about privacy by tracking users across websites. We do not receive or store any individual personal data from cookies.

For example, we make use of a common script called Google Analytics which allows us to see how many visitors view our site, which pages they view, what countries they came from, etc. This information is presented to us in an aggregated form (we see the numbers of users visiting our site, not who they are individually), and it is stored as such within the Google Analytics service. Google also operates a service to display ads to individuals and uses cookies to identify them on whatever site is displaying these ads, but we do not use this sort of service or cookie data.


We also may use other integrated services or features that are intended to make your browsing experience better and which make use of cookies. For example, we may store pages that you have viewed or online actions that you have taken in a browser cookie on your computer so that we are able to show you more relevant content when you return. We don’t receive any personal information as a result of this sort of interaction; it’s designed just to be a convenience for you, the user.


Does your website “mine” social media data?

Facebook, Twitter, and other social media websites collect data that you voluntarily supply, like your age, employer, relationship status, and where you live, as well as information that you may not be aware that you are providing, such as who you communicate with, posts that you view, searches that you make, etc. These sites also often track other places you visit online, and they will then use all of this information to sell advertisements. After revelations in March 2018 that a political data firm, Cambridge Analytica, improperly harvested and used 87 million users’ personal data, the way Facebook and other websites treat personal information has been under increasing scrutiny.


Empowered by Light cannot control what these services do with the information that you provide them or they collect on their own, and we encourage you to read their privacy policies and adjust sharing settings appropriately for each social networking service that you use. If you share content from our website on a social network, be aware that you are adding your interest in our work to your profile, which may mean that they show you related content in the future. Hopefully you will appreciate this, but it’s not something that we have any control over.


Our website does not “mine” the data collected by these services. This is generally done by websites which display ads related to your interests, which we do not.


What other information do you collect?

In order to prevent fraud, make sure that our systems are working properly, etc., our web server and other systems routinely keep records of data such as incoming IP addresses, browser and system info, etc. We do not mine this data to attempt to determine personal information from it, and in general we use it only when necessary to verify that our systems are functioning as intended. If you are concerned about websites gathering such information from your visits, we encourage you to consider using VPN or other anonymizing software, since this data is routinely exchanged whenever you use the internet.


What if I want to be removed?

Empowered by Light respects your privacy. If you want to review personal information that we may have collected about you or you would like to be certain that you have been unsubscribed or removed from our lists, please feel free to contact us.



We work hard to ensure that your experience on our site is a positive one. If you have any questions about this privacy policy or your dealings with our site, or if you have feedback or suggestions about how we might improve it, please contact us.


Thank you!

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